
ThetaHealing® is a holistic healing technique founded by Vianna Stibal in the 1990s. It harnesses the power of the subconscious mind to identify and replace negative or limiting beliefs with empowering ones, promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Through accessing the theta brainwave state, practitioners can facilitate rapid transformation and healing in themselves and others, addressing a wide range of issues from health to relationships and beyond.

ThetaHealing® Basic DNA Course

The ThetaHealing® technique is a powerful technique used to bring about greater health and harmony in your life. Learn how to release limiting beliefs and utilise healing techniques that can benefit yourself, your family and community. During this course you will discover the science behind ThetaHealing as well as learning how to shift beliefs such as ‘I am not enough’ to ‘i am enough’, ‘I hate myself’ to ‘I love myself, ‘I am unsafe’ to ‘I am safe’, ‘I am unworthy’ to ‘I am worthy’.

The course covers the following in detail over three days:

  • Easily access the Theta brainwave state and connect with the Creator/Universe/Divine

  • Learn about the subconscious mind and the different levels

  • Discover the 7 planes of existence

  • Clear negative beliefs on a core, genetic, historic, soul level and group consciousness

  • Techniques for identifying and releasing limiting beliefs, fears, and emotional blocks

  • Intuitively connect with your Guides & Angels and conduct future readings

  • Learn how to do self-healings & on others

  • Intuitively scan the body to identify energetic blocks

  • Release psychic attacks, curses and soul fragments

  • Increase your manifesting abilities with ease

As part of the course, you will also receive the ThetaHealing Basic book by Vianna Stibal, a Practitioner manual and Certificate upon completion.

Upcoming Course Dates:


💫WHEN: Monday 11th November to Wednesday 13th November 2024

💫WHERE: Online, ZOOM


($295 deposit required to book, $400 balance to be paid prior to start date)


💫TIME: 9am to 3pm AEDT each day

💫RSVP: 31 October 2024

To book, click below. Please read all terms and conditions before booking. If you have any questions, require a payment plan or to pay by bank transfer, please contact Josie directly via email at