Meet Josie

Josie Krumov

Meet Josie, an experienced Intuitive Energy Healer & Guide with a journey of over 10 years. She has always been interested in Holistic therapies since she was a little girl. Through her own journey of managing severe anxiety and panic attacks, post the birth of her 2nd child, Josie realised her healing was only ever happening at a surface level. She studied and utilised various modalities that allowed her to go to the root cause of her issues and pain that enabled her to change limiting beliefs. Her life has changed dramatically and has been able to shift from anxious to calm, burnout to peace and fear to faith.

Using diverse energy modalities including ThetaHealing®, Angelic Reiki, Silent Counselling and Nervous System regulation, Josie empowers individuals to shift emotions, beliefs, and traumas, supporting harmony in mind, body, and spirit. With a unique ability to connect on a soul level, Josie creates transformative sessions that lead to self-discovery and authentic healing. She’s a big believer in ongoing learning and continues to upgrade her knowledge and skills.

Josie is a passionate teacher of ThetaHealing® and Angelic Reiki. She believes these two modalities work hand in hand and changed her life to really get to the root of her issues and bring peace and joy into her life. She thoroughly enjoys teaching these modalities to individuals who are awakening to their true self and to other healers looking for the missing piece to their practice.

Join Josie on a holistic journey of balance, relaxation, and empowerment, as you uncover your true self and embrace your soul's truth. Experience the boundless potential that awaits you as you move along on this soul exploring path with Josie's compassionate guidance.